neimënster has teamed up with MGS to install a film set and professional control room on its site. Installed in the José Ensch hall, it enables live video content to be recorded or broadcast on the main streaming platforms. The set consists of :

  • a stage and a P3 LED screen measuring 5000 x 3000 mm for a dynamic display;
  • lighting provided by professional studio projectors;
  • four HD cameras for recording;
  • three feedback screens and a timer for timing interventions.

Behind the filming set, a professional control room ensures the technical management of the footage. Projections on the LED screen, overlaying a second image on the screen, broadcasting a video or PowerPoint presentation during recording – the possibilities are endless. Captures can be filmed or streamed live. What’s more, it’s very easy to allow participants to question the speaker via a live chat system, enabling interactive and dynamic interventions. Finally, whether recorded or broadcast live, videos can be replayed as long as they have been uploaded to a YouTube-type viewing platform.

Régie Professionnelle

These advantages have an impact on the total cost, which is lower than that of a traditional event, making it possible to multiply the number of interventions. As a result, their use eliminates the notion of geographical distance and gives access to an unlimited audience, free from any space constraints.